Monday, December 28, 2009

Music that touches the heart (repost from 1/31/2009)

Here goes another one of those nights where one song keeps you awake, replaying over and over again…Sometimes you want it to just stop; stop it from bringing back memories that are repressed; stop it from making tonight yet another sleepless night. You try and hold on to your sanity, grasping on to every strand of meaningless material in your head, just hoping that you will not get lost in those wistful memories of years past. As your eyes begin to cloud over with thought of yesteryear, you realize that what you dread the most was not those memories resurfacing, but those memories once again becoming reality. You see where you will be and what you will become. You see yourself without that façade, the evil mask that has hidden your true identity.

From behind the ephemeral strings of memories that cage your soul, you scream for help….help to solve your problems, to understand the meaning of your pitiful existence. You try and understand why you are lost, lost within the metaphysical. While seeking the truth about life, you find that you are unfit to bear this charge. All you see is not what life has to give but what life has failed to give. You see the faults that have defined who you are, but you have failed to accept that this identity is truly yours. In the people that surround you, you find qualities that make them superior to yourself whether it is in the physical or in the mental.

You try to be like them, and the harder you try, the harder you seem to fail. All just to be noticed for once. The more you conform to society, the more invisible you become to those around you. You used to believe that being like those around you will make you stand out more; that it will have others view you as you see them view your idols. In the end, you are just another person who has blended into the background of normalcy. You hope to impress, but all you have done is degrade yourself. You want to be someone to rely on, but all you have become is someone who does not know his own skin. You want to be a good person, but all you have done is shown your faults. You want to show that you can love, but all you see is hate.

All you want to do is find where you belong and what makes you special. As you attempt to find this, you realize that what was most important, slowly yet surely, falls away into the deep, dark crevice of memory. Finding the light necessary to fully illuminate this cave of despair and reveal all that was and is good will take time…and in this time, you will listen to music to soothe the soul. But once again, you find yourself thinking about what has been, what is, and what will be. This vicious cycle reveals to you that the bright light has always been there. It is the light that shows you these memories; it is the light that reminds you of who you are; it is the light that defines you. The light…the one.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


and so we run
leaves crunching under
the piddle paddle of laughing feet
memories of good times

two what do we owe the pleasure
having memories of reminisce
when tears show and hearts cringe
two this end individual one

what captures lasting moments
two images of retrospect
pictures I keep locked away
seen with changing thoughts

as time passes
temporal feelings
a bleeding canvas of painted life
what I saw is no longer
what I see

if you are just
another beautiful girl
as memory fades
then you two should disappear


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Like a fine wine

all things need to be aged
w i s d o m
is that not the final goal?
but I am no connoisseur
drink here, my offering...

from deep within I pour
contents of the ages
raw emotions
untainted by bottled corks
carbonated machines
mixers and dispensers
purity of the soul
offered as fine wine

with all the struggles endured,
the taste only grows
meeker, milder
each test yields better flavor
but I am no connoisseur

one test, one barrell
continue to drink
the age is wrong
but I am no connoisseur
addictions: hard to break
and, so is habit.

so I ask
perfection when?
drink the last drop
the last barrell
do not say "perfection"
but I am no connoisseur

there is none left
relish the taste
but why listen to me?
I am no connoisseur

I still can't get over your taste.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Not a poem, but contemplate it anyways!

If you must dream, dream big.

If you must accept reality, accept that reality is defined only by you.

If you wish to live in the middle, keep your feet rooted in that which cannot be changed while constantly striving for the top.


To an old love:

I open old
that r u n


pity to read
read to pity

growth of love
cascade down the path of hearts

past is which that
towards the future
let us move


through crinkled sheets
fading lines
to the time when
my soul and yours

Published in 2010 APEX Washington University Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Journal

Saturday, December 19, 2009

To dream

On that note,
I bid thee sleep,
to dream of dreams,
to pine of pines,
for I know good and well
that dreams are,
but, a glimpse
of future foretold and past unveiled.
so I send thee yonder,
towards the misty land,
where none can see thee ponder
of dreams where dreams are banned.
so close thy eyes and let mind wander;
let thy feet take ghostly saunter
towards unknown monsters
in pines of dreamy land.

let not one wake thee
from golden slumber
for nothing but dreams
is ageless, of priceless wonder.
so sleep, my dear,
please sleep!
to dream of days of old;
to dream of days foretold;
to dream the dreams
that dreams may take mold.

So, let all those behold
these dreams, such dreams;
who dares doubt fool's gold!
For thy dreams reign supreme!
Watch, listen, silently thy dream begins
I beg thee take hold.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


do you play the game to play or to win? Who are you playing with?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Do you see my struggle, Gatsby?

So I stare out into the distance, across the dying expanse of field, towards the fading horizon as the merging stripes of the sun's colorful rays glimmer off the mountains. I stare deeply into the setting sun, allowing my eyes to adjust to the radiance that is there. So beautiful, yet also so deadly.

A blinking red dot out in the distance shifts my eyes from this beautiful display of God's awesome power. I can no longer look out on the horizon without seeing it; that painful reminder that love will always be my Gatsby struggle. Every morning I wake up with the hope that the light has gone out or that my attempt to reach it will be achieved that day. Every day! Do you know how difficult that is to know that your dream eludes you each and every time you look for it? How many times do I need to persevere then fail? I've modified the engine to my car so many times, and each modification brings me one mile closer, yet I am still SO far away. I always have to turn back and start from the beginning; I always have to return home knowing that not only did I fail but I have nothing to show for my effort. I return home to look across the horizon at that blinking red dot.

I'm tired of driving out knowing that I have a safety net, the possibility of going home. I'm driving fast out across the desert using all the gas that I have in my tank. And, in the end, being unable to return home is just a consequence I will have to accept. If I must die trying to achieve my dream then let that be so, at least I know that my spirit will float along the horizon towards the setting sun. I'm putting it all on the line for something that I know I can achieve. Failure is no longer an option. Who knows, maybe when I reach it, it won't be glorious as I thought it would be. But I know that when I look back at all that I had done to reach this blinking dot, that I will cherish what I have for it was not done easily but with much pain and much suffering. That is how I know it will be good, because what would not be good that did not require some hurt. Who is to know what pain is when one has never felt pain? Who is to know what love is when one has never felt love? Who is to know what loss is when one has never felt loss?

This is my Gatsby struggle: my search for love and my search for a future that contains love and family.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hello, my dear, goodbye

when we first met
was it just coincidence?
my heart jumped a little
feelings i easily brushed aside

but when i saw your eyes
oh, how beautiful they were
kaleidoscope you say?
capturing with rapture

we progressed
down a road that little knew
they know not our times together
our secret life

you will not be my whiskey lullaby
i do not give up so easily
but for you and our love
I drink this poison merrily.

so my dear
I happily said hello
I happily say goodbye
Suddenly, like a gale on a tiny pond
a rush of wind spurned by the coming storm
torrents and torrents of rain
pound silently against my crops

Oh! look how they have suffered
taking the brunt force of attack
without sun, with too much rain
they have been unable to produce

slowly see how they grow and wither
shrinking back into their pods
planted at the wrong time
the farmer sheds tears of loss

with fewer and fewer tears
the hurricane of emotions cease
sputtering and dying
the eye of the storm had come and past

now all that is left should be sunshine
so why does the sun shine less bright?
its not because another storm is brewing
the forecast looks clear

the remnants of grey cumulus clouds
still cover this rain soaked earth
we know that those clouds will disappear
with it, will come that sunshine we seek

Cirrus clouds will fill the sky
the birds will come out again to sing
and I like this sodden patch of mud
will dry

ready and willing
for new planting
of crops that can

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Little container
teetering on the edge of an

Will some hand come out to
grab it
or like times before

will it just fall to the ground
pieces of life scattered

across the ground
strewn in fragments large and small
lay my heart



Please be careful
my heart is still fragile
torn in too many ways to count
forever filled with doubt

You are beautiful to me
why is that so hard to see
keep pushing me away
when I know you want me to stay

let me hold you tight
keep you warm on this cold winter night
my dreams were so bright
so full of life, so full of light

my dreams turning gray
as you constantly keep me at bay
why can you not let me say
just let love be what it may

tonight i watch you dream
in the caress of golden slumber
my dear sleep well
let my heart feel

Monday, November 30, 2009


Hello bright lights
I see you shining
glimmering so peacefully in the sky
stars that seem so close
in reality, so far away

Two glowing balls
separated by years of light
yet one can still see the other
when space is as dark as night

so when your light went out
way out there tonight
I knew down deep
you supernova-ed ages and ages ago

So why did I feel nothing
if what happened laid in the past
the pain of personal loss
came slowly and slowly without duress

There was no epic storm
no epic tidal wave
of sweeping emotion
digging my heart into the grave

For there always remained that distance
between these embers of ours
so what of this night sky
filled with so many stars

why did I focus on you
the one so far away
what made you special
than those as bright as day

I saw the fire you could give
so deep within your eyes
burning hotter and hotter still
unwilling to fully live or fully die

Nebulous matter is all that remains
from that you shall begin anew
my embers still grow brightly
I will still wait eons for you.

Refrain on Your heart

My sword and shield set ready,
willingness to die without a doubt.
Let thee fight for thou,
Your heart be thy battle ground!

Clash and clang on this mighty day,
an upward surge of demons round.
Let thee fight for thou,
Your heart be thy battle ground!

If I am to die today,
let it not be in vain.
Let thee fight for thou,
Your heart be thy battle ground!

Through prayers I will try,
sleep tight, my dear, sleep tight.
Let thee fight for thou,
Your heart be thy battle ground!
This harsh battle, let me fight!

Heart of mine (repost/edit from 3/12/2009)

Reaching in, I removed
the most precious thing to me,
this little beating thing
all clean and whole was he.
as you drew closer
to take in your hand
this little beating thing,
it beated faster and faster
with each departing step
until finally it beated and beated
and beated until it beated to death.

But you cared for it
nuturing it back to health
allowing it to beat once more.
once again giving life
to this precious thing of mine
that I gave so willingly
to only those who mean the most to me
will ever be entrusted to bear
the charge of safe keeping it
from harm and despair .

Oh, but sad to say,
that once you made it whole,
you promptly gave it back to me
saying, no, no, no!
it cannot be the time
for you to be handing out such things
to people you don't know so well
regardless of your feelings now.
And, so you gave it back to me
beating in your hand
I saw it quiver and quiver more
trying to never beat again.

Now, this little beating thing
that I so long ago removed,
so willingly gave to you,
returns to that hole
from which it was taken from
beating less than it did before,
bearing a scar that reminds
the terror of stepping towards
the one it may have loved
for eternity through and through.

And with the little beating thing
all bruised and broken inside,
it waits for the brighter day
when wounds heal and tears dry,
but realizing that
wounds created this way
heal crooked through and through.
it was broken for too long,
and time is not so kind.

With a chip off its shoulder
and scar in between
it walks the streets bitter
at all the hearts shared among
the people during spring time
when love just waits to be seen.

And though it may never meet
another heart in which to love,
it will continue beating,
that little beating thing
until it meets that perfect one
to wipe away those scars
and make the little beating thing
once again clean and whole
to live the life it was meant to live
two hearts, one soul.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

To my wanderlust

Who is to say
from heaven or hell
the decisions we undertake
are false through and through?
for our judgement
of right and wrong
should not be limited by physical nor spiritual bounds.

tethered to that subconcious feeling,
these gut reactions set forth,
motions upon motions
a guiding light
that leads us from our earthly plight.

Thus, my soul is still a wanderlust.
adventure be its name.
lessons I learn from mistakes I make
remind me that without moral strain
there can be no goodly gain.

so i travel through the woods of dark
to see whom I can find;
my life led by circumstance
to that i cannot change,
for why do i predict the chance
to see what is unknown
I should always prepare for battle
with whichever unseen and mighty foe.

for what do we attain
from conquered men
than just rewards and mortal souls?
but, craving still that battle heart
we loudly call out for any row!

though the battle is won,
do not fall stray,
keep your swords sharpened still;
let not that shield of yours,
emblemed with family name,
gather dust and rust from time unused
that one strike, a crack, destruct.

always keep at the ready;
for those who question your morality
will one day face your sword.

so sword and shield kept clean,
be ready for that battle cry
to which all men duly jump forth
to protect that which cannot die
the soul and spirit of the wanderlust
that guides each heart though life
and shows each and every one of us
that right is always right.

Be scared of what is known;
fear not that we cannot see;
for life is just a chivalrous adventure
let your wanderlust call out to thee!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Four + Three

Four plus Three...
Was it just a fantasy?
I woke up today
realizing it may never be.

Even plus odd;
Did it glorify God?
each with their own facade
discovering their love
was just a lightning rod

As seven approaches
a division sign poaches
Each strike
a cleave
back to Four and Three

this division sign
faulty by design
showed addition as its goal
threw back its cloak to reveal
two mighty holes

it brings hurt and pain
but can we stand the rain?
Rebuild that broken path
prove what we had was not simply
faulty math

who is to say
that Three plus Four
cannot mean anything more
than simply love lost, love scorn

I do not forsee
this change in we
to days that end unhappily
for love triumphs over the most
improbable uncertainty

So, can it be,
A treasured number of harmony?
a combination of Four and Three?
So it is written as our destiny

A perfect addition
of karma proclaimed
to seven the number
with luck exclaimed

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Number Four and One

One and Four can't seem to see
that multiplication is their destiny
to add to the line with joyous pride
that famed club of unity
addition makes five
though five is prime
with harmony sublime
division can be their only fallacy

Four and running of One and Four
Oneness one hopes to incur
fate has chosen two numbers apart
to merge and multiply from the start
the product of Four cross One
no equation under the sun
no log, no root, no algorithm
can separate this perfect sum

Two calculated hearts
only three apart
neither particularly smart
One small chart can show all well
that Four cross One equals Four in One
but on this I will no longer dwell
since Four and One can never be
these feelings one must quell

Thursday, May 14, 2009

such luster
flat, smooth surface
oval, just the way I like it
this tiny little object
smiling as I toss it lightly in the air
clear blue calm water
calling out to me
one quick flick
ripples of waves
dance before my eyes
skip skip skip
like my life
jumping, jumping, jumping
many places through time
until all energy consumed
then plop
final destination
how many jumps did I take?
Make my last stand
rooted on this spot
pulled by fate into this abyss
until the current carries me to shore
a never ending cycle
splish splash splosh
the pebble streaks
my eyes seek the landing
like my soul yearns peace

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


What I craved;
What I sought

Heart, Mind
Together, unanimous say
NO! Defy!

A path
dark and bleak awaits.
path few take.

was the truth,
now a lie,
a mask of uncertainty
points the way to

Away for so long
feelings dying.
write to me,
hope of restoration,
cannot bloom.

this adventure,
I bid thee farewell;
Road not finished;
pull over, stray,
unwilling to continue.

Revisit that old memory;
no story so cruel.
down that road,
my feet rooted
resisting temptation
unable to walk.

End defined.
Guidance given.
Roads diverge.
Happily say hello,
My dear,
Happily I now say GoodBye.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

as the day breaks
morning dew glistens
rainbow in mist
reminscint of yesterday's rain

tears still fall
mind still travels
where it not longer wishes to go
led by a chain
deeply connected

as mind drifts
eyes cloud
the day turns to night
forever in that shadowy mist
of yesterday's plight

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gatsby struggle

Heart cringes, brows furrowed
head in hands
hair pushed back

This place was...
where we last spoke
where we last touched
where you last looked in my eyes
an image slowly fading

a tear rolls down my cheek
brush it away
smear of memories past
the sun will come out to dry


Throat choaked, eyes well
I refuse
emotions like waves
crash against the levy
heart constrained
mind fighting to maintain peace

Still I put on that facade each morning
acting like I no longer care
like my heart no longer
dreams of you
longs for you

Lie after lie
I convince...
no one.

Longingly I look at the stars
slow pulsating red light atop
that unreachable tower
a reminder of my Gatsby struggle

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Eyes meet, you turn away
ignore that quick glance
forget old times

Ephemeral memories
wisps of smoke in the wind
what we were
drops of disappearing blood
in a river of tears
a deep wound
cut in to the heart

Approach, turn away
a game of fear
avoidance of another
you see me
right through me
a mirage

Another path followed
Friendship bloomed,
Temptation ruined
led to believe
falsity of love
misreading cursed
intentions denied
once again.

What we were
broken pieces scatter the ground
shattered image of life
rebuilt, smashed
left a lonely soul
no warmth, no comfort

The day wanes
sun sets, beautiful horizon
two people part
no longer staring with envy
I sleep, a new day comes

As I stand invisible
understand finale
the game has finished
adventure closes
not happily ever after
but, still, the end.

Train Station

eyes cloud, the wind blows
mortal flesh releases the soul
tenderly into the night
allowing it to reminisce...

I see her standing there
alone as usual.
heads turn, eyes meet
one fleeting instant,
we connect.
our opaque bubble.
her presence magnified.
eyes of comfort,
smile of joy,
this brief moment of bliss.
my sweet cherie...

I keep walking,
path of dying grass
among the green
marks the common route
never to swerve.

run to my side!
just one minute

Routine unbroken,
with heavy sigh,
force my eyes
to keep looking

Fear turning around,
reveal you looking
longing for company
I cannot give.

So I walk away,
follow that path
of brown grass
among the green.
one foot following the other.

A hand grabs hold,
what could this be?
heart stops, head turns

Eyes clear.
Station platform,
one foot off.
Train flies by.
she saved my life.

Eyes meet, bodies touch
warm embrace, souls converse
My name is....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What I see

Picture this: Brooking steps

A little kid toddles across the street,
each hand clings to another hand.
parents holding the hands of their child,
unwilling to let go,
knowing that in time
the child will pull away,
growing up and leaving.

But, for now,
as the child still needs them,
the parents relish in the moment
that they can still help their little daughter
up the steps of life
towards her future dreams

With frightful look on her face,
she approaches,
each little step at a time:
scared not of life, but of the unexpected.
Only grown will she be scared of life and
love the unexpected.

Run Together

Step in step
a life of synchrony
breath in breath

Towards Spring

Drip, drip, drip
the last snow of winter melts
as the sun shines brightly overhead.
I see the droplets of water
falling off the tips of those gleaming,
ice stalactites.
The buds of flowers just
waiting to bloom,
revealing the beautiful colors of spring.
Droplets from those ever shortening icicles
add to the morning dew of the greening grass,
an indication of the coming transition
in to Spring.

During this time,
winter is not forgotten,
spring is not yet here,
but as the birds sing
and the air warms,
it is a reminder that winter is...
coming to a close;
the ice queen's tale is ending,
and happiness is on its way.

A smile spreads across my face
knowing that all will be well
and a new, better day
will come as tomorrow.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Popped Bubbles

Pop, pop, pop
went those tiny little bubbles
floating way high up
before my fingers touch it
and pop it goes

Pop, pop, pop
goes the bubbles
trapped in cellophane wrap
before my feet touch it
and pop they go

Pop, pop, pop
goes the bubble she lived in
sealed away from the world
before I came along
and popped it

Pop, pop, pop
goes the bubble of the life I built
with us two in it
before Fate intervened
and popped it

Pop, pop, pop
goes my breakfast cereal
as the milk is poured on it
by a person now sitting alone
at the dining room table

Pop, pop, pop
goes the heart
when it realized love could possibly be
before she wrote me saying
she never loved me
and popped it

Pop, pop, pop
went that last sound of the night
and the world ended for me
like that silvery bubble
it popped

I return to the Creator
unlike the bubble made of soap
I cannot deal with
a popped heart
this bubble I created
called life

Unlike the bubble made of soap
this bubble cannot be remade
by a blow of a kiss
So, in the night, you hear
Pop, pop, pop.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Deliver me from Darkness

Walking in the shadows
I saw you crying,
hoping someone would see.
I came to you, caring,
hoping you would recognize me.
Leading you to the light
became my only goal;
Because, once reached, you would be able to see
that the darkness in which you inhabited
was bleak, full of misery.
Until that day,
you will forever remain
in the shadows.

The light I bring
sheds no rays on you,
for your face is too dark to see.
You covered yourself with too many guises
for me to remove with ease,
I am the companion you seek
to rip off those masks
expose the hidden beauty
buried so far beneath;
as the layers peel away,
the person underneath
will show her true face,
and glorious it will be.

In my acts to find myself,
I removed you from that
darkest place
within the shadows
in which you lay.
Do not return to that
wicked place,
never to be seen again.
For, in the shadows,
lies no light,
and once returned,
there are no wings
to again give you flight.

I took you from the shadows
and gave you life.
Now, I ask you to lead me from
my own shadowly plight.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Do You see me?

I gave everything I wasn't given,
in any circumstance.
Thinking that,
it would benefit someone.
In the end,
it worked.
Everyone benefited,
but I suffered.
how say you?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eyes Open

Blinded by the love that was never there,
looked past the imperfections that everyone else saw.
But as quickly as it started, it ended.
Like an afternoon spring shower
or a sudden snowstorm during winter.
When did that storm rise...?
Who and what are to bear the brunt of this squall?
Those imperfections may not have stood the test of time;
it surely did not stand the force of God.
Now all that is left are the pieces to be cleaned up;
the pieces of that once lively enclosure.
Can anything be salvaged?

Time to move on.

I may be stuck with my imperfections
but I still stand after the storm
But, now, I see all of your faults
in all its glory!
And finally
I realize
that it was never meant to be...

The rain blinded me
but the sun has risen
and will dry up all the tears.
The ground will burst anew with life,
and the dead will turn to ash
to fertilize food for the living.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The coming of Spring

Frostbitten air of Winter's minions
course through the window,
chilling the warmth,
unsettling the comfort.
As the fire begins to dim,
I cannot help but notice
the beauty of death,
for death means rebirth.
Once the blanket of seemingly pure, white snow
out will burst
renewed life,
full of hope,
restoring the warmth and comfort
dissipated by that cold but beautiful
Queen of Darkness.