Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hello, my dear, goodbye

when we first met
was it just coincidence?
my heart jumped a little
feelings i easily brushed aside

but when i saw your eyes
oh, how beautiful they were
kaleidoscope you say?
capturing with rapture

we progressed
down a road that little knew
they know not our times together
our secret life

you will not be my whiskey lullaby
i do not give up so easily
but for you and our love
I drink this poison merrily.

so my dear
I happily said hello
I happily say goodbye
Suddenly, like a gale on a tiny pond
a rush of wind spurned by the coming storm
torrents and torrents of rain
pound silently against my crops

Oh! look how they have suffered
taking the brunt force of attack
without sun, with too much rain
they have been unable to produce

slowly see how they grow and wither
shrinking back into their pods
planted at the wrong time
the farmer sheds tears of loss

with fewer and fewer tears
the hurricane of emotions cease
sputtering and dying
the eye of the storm had come and past

now all that is left should be sunshine
so why does the sun shine less bright?
its not because another storm is brewing
the forecast looks clear

the remnants of grey cumulus clouds
still cover this rain soaked earth
we know that those clouds will disappear
with it, will come that sunshine we seek

Cirrus clouds will fill the sky
the birds will come out again to sing
and I like this sodden patch of mud
will dry

ready and willing
for new planting
of crops that can