Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Creation of Man

Storms of rain and thunder
pound mercilessly against the unmoving earth.
Trees bend while shrubs hold firm
as torrents upon torrents of flood water
splash down on the tornadoes of dust below.
Lightening strikes with wicked force;
heat and sparks streak through the air.
Skies illuminate with the laughter of the gods!
Puddles like eyes look up and wonder
how clouds could feel such happiness in such chaos.

But, as air and ground trade guffaws,
beauty in rainbows left in their wake.
Wherein these rainbows, magic presides,
sprinkles of sunshine fall to the ground,
combine as dust and dew collide
in a mix and mash of unorthodox whirlwinds
tossing clumps of brownish goo.
Pinched and kneaded by the fingers of child's play
the mud is molded through
to arms and feet and body
leaving only the head unglued.
Now, a man created when head attached:
the merger of heart and mind.
What a beauty in child's delight
when seeing the two parts bind.

Soles, which soul
walking to find its habit
comes across a man with heart and mind
and in this body it comes to inhabit
while the hardening and cracking of sunshining light
define the child's twisted and turned delight

So as we find without the sole
from dust to dust
and ashes to ashes
a muddy trail we leave behind

Still the air and ground trade guffaws
while child's laughter blows our footsteps
unknowingly from time history's beckoning call