Thursday, January 28, 2010


I walk through life. It turns around and asks me how I'm doing. I simply say, "Well, good sir, I'm covered with your innards." Life turns to me with a curious expression, nods, then says sorry and walks to the nearest door. And I, being the foolish man I am, decide to walk in the opposite direction rather than following life's every single footstep. So as life and I go our separate ways, I am left with its blood drenching me.

I need to take a shower. But, I will never be able to get these stinking remnants off me; even if I were able to, the stench would stay with me forever.

I guess that's what I get for not chasing after life.

Time to go find it. It's had a massive head start, but I will catch up one day, and we will say hello. On that day, we will become best friends and I will learn to live.

Live in the moment. The memories we create will last forever; these memories, though not captured on film, are captured in our hearts and in our minds. Let's go chase life together.