Sunday, November 29, 2009

To my wanderlust

Who is to say
from heaven or hell
the decisions we undertake
are false through and through?
for our judgement
of right and wrong
should not be limited by physical nor spiritual bounds.

tethered to that subconcious feeling,
these gut reactions set forth,
motions upon motions
a guiding light
that leads us from our earthly plight.

Thus, my soul is still a wanderlust.
adventure be its name.
lessons I learn from mistakes I make
remind me that without moral strain
there can be no goodly gain.

so i travel through the woods of dark
to see whom I can find;
my life led by circumstance
to that i cannot change,
for why do i predict the chance
to see what is unknown
I should always prepare for battle
with whichever unseen and mighty foe.

for what do we attain
from conquered men
than just rewards and mortal souls?
but, craving still that battle heart
we loudly call out for any row!

though the battle is won,
do not fall stray,
keep your swords sharpened still;
let not that shield of yours,
emblemed with family name,
gather dust and rust from time unused
that one strike, a crack, destruct.

always keep at the ready;
for those who question your morality
will one day face your sword.

so sword and shield kept clean,
be ready for that battle cry
to which all men duly jump forth
to protect that which cannot die
the soul and spirit of the wanderlust
that guides each heart though life
and shows each and every one of us
that right is always right.

Be scared of what is known;
fear not that we cannot see;
for life is just a chivalrous adventure
let your wanderlust call out to thee!

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