Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Like a fine wine

all things need to be aged
w i s d o m
is that not the final goal?
but I am no connoisseur
drink here, my offering...

from deep within I pour
contents of the ages
raw emotions
untainted by bottled corks
carbonated machines
mixers and dispensers
purity of the soul
offered as fine wine

with all the struggles endured,
the taste only grows
meeker, milder
each test yields better flavor
but I am no connoisseur

one test, one barrell
continue to drink
the age is wrong
but I am no connoisseur
addictions: hard to break
and, so is habit.

so I ask
perfection when?
drink the last drop
the last barrell
do not say "perfection"
but I am no connoisseur

there is none left
relish the taste
but why listen to me?
I am no connoisseur

I still can't get over your taste.

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