Monday, March 29, 2010

Vita est....

You learn to cherish the good days because you know that they are the anomaly. They are the misfits among the pervasive bland, sad, and lonely mornings and evenings. Much like dreams, these good times are the times that are always forgotten. And just like dreams, one grasps for them, wishing to hold on forever, to live in that forbidden world of imagination, only to realize that they are but idealistic misconceptions of reality. As good times slip through the sieve created by fingertips and dreams begin to stink of rotting ideals, the usual, trite life returns to torment one's existence. But, if we were to nourish our dreams and bring it slowly back to health, then we discover that even the bad has its good. The dreams grow stronger, and the dreams become reality, no longer a figment of our deluded imagination. That is also when we discover that life is beautiful and that it is worth living.

In the wise words of Cicero: "Ut sementem feceris, its metes."

"Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day."

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