Monday, March 29, 2010

Vita est....

You learn to cherish the good days because you know that they are the anomaly. They are the misfits among the pervasive bland, sad, and lonely mornings and evenings. Much like dreams, these good times are the times that are always forgotten. And just like dreams, one grasps for them, wishing to hold on forever, to live in that forbidden world of imagination, only to realize that they are but idealistic misconceptions of reality. As good times slip through the sieve created by fingertips and dreams begin to stink of rotting ideals, the usual, trite life returns to torment one's existence. But, if we were to nourish our dreams and bring it slowly back to health, then we discover that even the bad has its good. The dreams grow stronger, and the dreams become reality, no longer a figment of our deluded imagination. That is also when we discover that life is beautiful and that it is worth living.

In the wise words of Cicero: "Ut sementem feceris, its metes."

"Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day."

Friday, March 26, 2010

Beer and Darts

As the numbers count down
from 301
eyes dart back and forth
scanning, ever searching
looking for that right

a little metal needle
turns slowly between thumb and finger
what a beautiful object
feathers and a point

taking aim
only to realize that I
this drunken fool
hardly ever hits bullseye
always, always

alcohol makes the objective
harder to accomplish
but deceptively more enjoyable
with each miss comes greater laugh

so then, life
how much different is life
from a game of beer and darts?

toss my dart
see it wildly miss
is that not what makes everything so much more

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Each had times when life stood
with events and people put on momentary

brief moments in one's own head
when the world became
quiet and content
as quickly as those moments come
they become like dreams
after waking up; for some
the moment stays,
lingers; for others
the life of hectic charge resumes

these moments,
much like a cool breeze on a hot summer's day
come enjoyed gone, eventually

these moments reminisce of days
when sunrise and sunset
had meaning

I sometimes wonder
what silence on a knoll at sunrise during
a hot summer day
feels like;
what a cool breeze at sunset
smells and listens like

let not the little moments drift on by
or you too
like those watching the sky at the brink of dawn and dusk
shall be left
for the beauty that was


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Empty Airport

Where is the hustle and bustle?
empty bags left in solitude
sleeping children and mothers
pacing worried fathers
line the cold plastic seats

a place usually teeming with activity
now silent
eerily quiet
but, there is noise
chitter chattering of speakers
whirring of floor polishers
the low turning rumble of bags rolling
all meaningless white noise
in a land where movement has stopped

unseen structures masked
by constant perpetual movement
now, readily apparent
oh how great the architect
who designed such grand curves and beams
that go unnoticed through the night

dreams still alive before
then step outdoors
exiting to the world that turns
dreams to nightmares


:-D Hartsfield-Jackson International...oh how I miss thy long security lines and quick baggage claims.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On time.

hours past
hours go
tick tock
tick tock

the minute hand slowly moves
I can see it taunting me
each mechanical wiggle

as the second hand rolls on by
laughingly saying
catch me if you can!
sighing, I reach for another

the need to keep
on schedule
draining on the mind
on the body
on the soul

but time does not return
the world spins in
only one singular direction

I will adjust
like the tides
I will keep rhythm
with rhyme
less let the ages pass

Monday, March 15, 2010

Childhood innocence

oh how we dream of days of yore
how quickly we grasp for
that which duly lies in the past
that which has never grown old
that which relish in little joys
we hold on to them
as if childhood had once again

but maturity calls
rather it beckons us
and so we hopscotch
and jumprope our way towards
the land of ties and suitjackets galore

is this not to be guffawed?
little children walking about
pressed collars and windsor knots
khaki pants and shiny shoes
a game of dress up
that can't be all?

as we walk through
marbled halls and
glance dauntingly at doric pillars
legs stretch and arms strengthen
to fill brown loafers of
businessmen and doctors
professionals and tradesmen

soon after, as we grow
lives becoming evermore complex
childhood, seemingly a hazy door at the beginning of
a long, long hall
as doric pillars turn to ionic columns
we wear out these tiresome clothes
which sloth off to reveal
that inner child

Only then do we understand that
before the revolving door and grand hall
the childhood which we all dreamt for
was the most corinthian of all.

A curve and a dot

Life is
but a curve and a dot
Don't let that space in between
the amazing leap
of thoughts and things

What mark do I make
in this grand scheme of life?
upon where, shall I be placed?
Let it not be a period.
or a semicolon;
or a comma no less,
Don't even strive to be an exclamation point!
as desirable as it may be.

Let me forever be a question:
for questions lead to answers
and answers are what we seek

a drag and a flip
a twirl and a bow
curves and curves
dots and dots

question me now
question me later
question me how
question, question, question
could not my life be any greater?

new blog: a curve and a dot . blogspot. com

Poems will continue to be posted on here :-D

Saturday, March 13, 2010


stars blinking goodbye
high tide approaches the silent beach
a sad stranger saunters with slumped shoulders
unevenly placed prints mark
the jagged dragging steps of nightly debauchery

no sound but slow labored breathing
padding the damp, humid air
lacking that usual gay spring
mildly drunken to cover bloodshot eyes
as blood drains from the flushed face
along jagged lines reminiscent of ephemeral prints
flow the now solitary soul
as steps turn to staccatoed sinuous lines
a chalked outline the finale

as the Moirae watch
the line of life disentwine
leaving the gods to reveal
an empty fountain,
a dry well,
an ironic metaphor for deaden birth

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


You came to me in the night
saying kind words with soft touches
driving me from the light
because of want, not need
mind thoroughly grasped in evil clutches

within a fortnight, I was driven
have I yet to be forgiven
even with no exterior
Cursed dreams that teach
a reminder of past mistakes
emotional surge of that I wish

Regret. despair. lunacy. rage.
byproducts of nightmares
mind trapped in sleepless cage
as body prostrated in prayer

a fortnight of writhing and crying
suddenly cease to be
those evil hands that spurned haunting
banished for eternity


Hard to gain
hard to maintain
but without the slightest strain
all my respect for you is slain

You may be a person
in that no one can deny
but respect is not given but gained
I could care less if you died

Evil comes and evil goes
facades plenty in tow
O, you will meet your Maker
and on that day I shall laugh
when your soul does burn in melting heater

I can see your motives inside
not even your decisions can hide
upon my life I swear I will find
a way to destroy your very kind

so learn to respect
me and all those I connect
because to them I will protect
and gladly see you wrecked


Monday, March 1, 2010

Running water

Little dreams end
where rapids turn to calm,
gentle streams.
the rocky patches stall
mighty currents, torrents even
brush quickly by
seeking tranquil water

underneath lies
polished surfaces after years of wear
invisible rocks reveal flowing imperfections
a foundation of too much and too little
an abridged version of evident scars
I, like floodwaters on a rainy day,
seek the serenity that I will never find