Friday, August 6, 2010


Supposedly when you look back on the past
after sifting through the rough and all the crap
you should be able to easily find a little tiny gem called I

Supposedly when you look into the past
after digging through all the dirt and the mold
you should be able to find memories
trapped in little orbs of the soul

Supposedly when you look ahead to the future
after dreaming dreams and hallucinogen induced visions
you should be able to imagine the perfect life
a spouse, three kids, and a dog all living in a Victorian house with white picket fences and neighbors who care
all in this utopian society where your life matters

Supposedly when you look into the future
after asking horoscopes and voodoo doctors
you should be able to see a grown up face doing a grown up job in a grown up land with grown up problems
continuously isolated from childhood imagination all the while wishing and craving for youthful vigor and mind

Supposedly time is a circle, so supposedly the future resembles the past that resembles the future
and on and on and on ad infinitum (or so they say)
after moments of deja vu and butterfly effects
you should be able to figure out that the present doesn't exist

Supposedly this, our reality, is a figment of our neural circuitry
after much deliberation with puppy dogs and stuffed animals,
you should determine that all this supposedly is hypothetical
who says the words you see are real, but talking lollipops and dumb trees

Let us all hypothesize about supposed past and future
because supposedly the present isn't all that important

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