Monday, April 12, 2010


I've never wanted
to be so alone. Stranded in
a small room surrounded by
humming machines listening to
the soft whispers of country

I dream of standing on a balcony,
the top floor of a parking garage,
the tip of a mountain peak,
the landing overlooking ocean breezes,
laying in the flat plains of midwestern grain,
or even standing silently in the tundra of a winter desert

I strain my ears to hear the gentle breeze
I feel the tingle of the bristling grass underneath my feet
I warm from the sun drying the winter storm
I taste and smell the crisp spring air
I believe this is a figment of my imagination

as my eyes glaze over from emotions
flooding the brain, the lids close around
my newfound world. the blinding glare turns black,
the humming stops, and the dark of night envelopes

My only wish is to soar among the stars
after exploring the world
in dreams trapped by pixels of light

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Quick, quick
the masquerade begins
flashing capes and royal gowns
dance lightly across this floor of
interlocking twine

where is my mask
o, my magnificent mask
decorated with gleaming jewels and plated gold
a loan on something I could not afford
to cover these hideous eyes
that shift, back and forth

I need to hide my bloodshot eyes
the lines of tears down the face
will fail to reveal

I need to hide the angry fire
flames that have engulfed my sight
water fails to smolder

I need to hide the loneliness
the shivering cold child
that seeks love

Look for it quickly
Look! Look!
here she comes from across the room
my last hope to hide myself
behind the mask of confidence

But, look...look
turn to the mirror on the wall
look in her gleaming eyes
see your reflection

where is this god forsaken mask?
it is but already worn.