Thursday, February 25, 2010

Treasures in Jars of Clay

towards whom few may see
towards that which may not be
towards a life of sadness and glee
I strive forward ever so faithfully
God's workmanship crafted
so delicately

a body upon which
the scars of sin doth takes its toll
but through life I trek
through times of toil
that at the end of the day
when I meet my Maker
to me shall go all the spoils

so i dare not wish
upon or for worldly things
those things that never last
for from dust they were made
and to dust they shall return
this, the true cycle of earthly things

but my soul, O, my soul
that shall last forever
seated with holy high
so prepare I must
for that great day
when my body doth turns to dust

my soul will sing a jamboree
on that day,
when Christ does come for me
then, my dear, hear me laugh with glee.
but for now, I wait
i slowly wait...
and wait...
ever so patiently.

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