Monday, February 15, 2010

Repost : Give us clean hands

Here's to the end of what was the beginning. Here's to a new chapter in my life written in hands washed clean. I flip back and I see sweat, tears, and blood infused into the weaves of wooden mesh. Every new beginning starts with clean hands, but how they become dirty with constant wear! Thus, we must wash our hands clean of this filth that clouds our mind's eye. Such skewed logic, such distorted images of life, such altered ideas of living must be cast out. Leave behind only that which remains pure, still, and pristine. When your hands are sterile, what is left behind? I only see lines: lines of fate intertwined. These nice, neat arches and ridges that define the ups and downs of our life lead not to death but to a greater understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. So, in essence, we cannot wash away all the filth, all the dirt, all the contamination, we can only remove that thin layer of putrid, molding tarp and see exactly who we are. And, we'll realize that the life underneath that sheet of grime lays that which is shaped by the experiences which give us the messy sewage that infects our mind and heart.

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