Sunday, March 22, 2009

What I see

Picture this: Brooking steps

A little kid toddles across the street,
each hand clings to another hand.
parents holding the hands of their child,
unwilling to let go,
knowing that in time
the child will pull away,
growing up and leaving.

But, for now,
as the child still needs them,
the parents relish in the moment
that they can still help their little daughter
up the steps of life
towards her future dreams

With frightful look on her face,
she approaches,
each little step at a time:
scared not of life, but of the unexpected.
Only grown will she be scared of life and
love the unexpected.

Run Together

Step in step
a life of synchrony
breath in breath

Towards Spring

Drip, drip, drip
the last snow of winter melts
as the sun shines brightly overhead.
I see the droplets of water
falling off the tips of those gleaming,
ice stalactites.
The buds of flowers just
waiting to bloom,
revealing the beautiful colors of spring.
Droplets from those ever shortening icicles
add to the morning dew of the greening grass,
an indication of the coming transition
in to Spring.

During this time,
winter is not forgotten,
spring is not yet here,
but as the birds sing
and the air warms,
it is a reminder that winter is...
coming to a close;
the ice queen's tale is ending,
and happiness is on its way.

A smile spreads across my face
knowing that all will be well
and a new, better day
will come as tomorrow.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Popped Bubbles

Pop, pop, pop
went those tiny little bubbles
floating way high up
before my fingers touch it
and pop it goes

Pop, pop, pop
goes the bubbles
trapped in cellophane wrap
before my feet touch it
and pop they go

Pop, pop, pop
goes the bubble she lived in
sealed away from the world
before I came along
and popped it

Pop, pop, pop
goes the bubble of the life I built
with us two in it
before Fate intervened
and popped it

Pop, pop, pop
goes my breakfast cereal
as the milk is poured on it
by a person now sitting alone
at the dining room table

Pop, pop, pop
goes the heart
when it realized love could possibly be
before she wrote me saying
she never loved me
and popped it

Pop, pop, pop
went that last sound of the night
and the world ended for me
like that silvery bubble
it popped

I return to the Creator
unlike the bubble made of soap
I cannot deal with
a popped heart
this bubble I created
called life

Unlike the bubble made of soap
this bubble cannot be remade
by a blow of a kiss
So, in the night, you hear
Pop, pop, pop.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Deliver me from Darkness

Walking in the shadows
I saw you crying,
hoping someone would see.
I came to you, caring,
hoping you would recognize me.
Leading you to the light
became my only goal;
Because, once reached, you would be able to see
that the darkness in which you inhabited
was bleak, full of misery.
Until that day,
you will forever remain
in the shadows.

The light I bring
sheds no rays on you,
for your face is too dark to see.
You covered yourself with too many guises
for me to remove with ease,
I am the companion you seek
to rip off those masks
expose the hidden beauty
buried so far beneath;
as the layers peel away,
the person underneath
will show her true face,
and glorious it will be.

In my acts to find myself,
I removed you from that
darkest place
within the shadows
in which you lay.
Do not return to that
wicked place,
never to be seen again.
For, in the shadows,
lies no light,
and once returned,
there are no wings
to again give you flight.

I took you from the shadows
and gave you life.
Now, I ask you to lead me from
my own shadowly plight.